#OSTEOPOROSIS /OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis is where the body's bones become {porous}, fragile & more prone to {fracture}. Although osteoporosis is a natural process, affecting both men & women in later life, statistics show that women after {menopause} are much more vulnerable (1:4 women initially & 1:2 by 75yrs). Medical evidence indicates that {osteoporosis} is caused by the body losing its ability to absorb {calcium} from food. This may be due to some interaction with a lack of {estrogen} when a women experiences {menopause}. There is a greater risk if you've been on a long course of {cortisone}, have a {diabetic} disorder, or smoke or drink heavily. In the view of many doctors, {HRT} can be used to prevent {osteoporosis} (see 'HRT' section). Medical opinion is, however, divided because of possible long-term side effects. In the USA, where the Federal Drug Administration has approved {estrogens} to prevent {osteoporosis}, the number of recorded fractures has been reduced by 50%. Natural ways to prevent osteoporosis are based on increasing the amount of {calcium} in diet, preferably before {menopause}. {Calcium} is contained in cheese, milk (skimmed milk contains as much calcium as whole milk), oily fish, broccoli, spinach, green beans, wholemeal bread. $2 Other preventive measures include not smoking & regular exercise.